No built-in support for Request Timeout before .NET 8
There is no default way to control the request timeout in ASP.NET Core 6.0 or 7.0. But the ASP.NET Core 8.0 introduces a RequestTimeout Middleware. It supports policy convention/pattern to apply the timeout options on a specific endpoint or globally. You will find it familiar if you have configured CORS using the CORS middleware or any other middleware. But if you love extension methods, you are in luck, as it supports extension methods on the Builder.
Let's read about the features it offers.
Default Global Timeout Policy
Specific Policy
Disable Policy on Specific endpoint
Cancel already started timeout via Features.
The Request Timeout Policy allows you to customize three things as in the below code.
- Timeout
- StatusCode — Defaults to 504 - Gateway Timeout
- WriteTimeoutResponse — Defaults to Empty Response
Default Global Timeout Policy
One policy to rule them all. You can configure a default policy that will be applied to all endpoints.
builder.Services.AddRequestTimeouts(options => {
options.DefaultPolicy = new RequestTimeoutPolicy {
Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000),
TimeoutStatusCode = 408,
WriteTimeoutResponse = async (HttpContext context) => {
context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
await context.Response.WriteAsync("Response Output");
Specific Use Case Policy
Your app usually contains more than one endpoint. And one of those may require more time to process the request. You can apply a specific policy to that endpoint.
builder.Services.AddRequestTimeouts(options => {
options.AddPolicy ("LongRequest",new RequestTimeoutPolicy {
Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(5000),
TimeoutStatusCode = 504,
WriteTimeoutResponse = async (HttpContext context) => {
context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
await context.Response.WriteAsync("Response Output");
//Apply policy
app.MapGet("/longrequest", async (HttpContext context) => {
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(6000),
return Results.Content("No timeout!", "text/plain");
//Will observe timeout as per the policy
Disable Policy
You can disable the timeout policy on any endpoint using an extension method or attribute [DisableRequestTimeout].
app.MapGet("/disablebyext", async (HttpContext context) => {
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), context.RequestAborted);
return Results.Content("Timeout!", "text/plain");
return Results.Content("No timeout!", "text/plain");
How to Specify a Timeout for previous versions of ASP.NET
There is no default way in ASP.NET 6 & 7, but you can still control the timeout using the RequestAborted token and the CancellationTokenSource.
app.MapGet("/timeout", async (HttpContext ctx) =>
var token = ctx.RequestAborted;
CancellationTokenSource tokenSource = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(token);
//timeout after 10 seconds
await Task.Delay(1000, tokenSource.Token);
catch (TaskCanceledException e)
return Results.StatusCode(408);
return Results.Ok("Allow All!");
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